
BIOPARC Valencia
BIOPARC Valencia is an animal park designed under the concept of zoo-immersion, which immerses the visitor in a careful recreation of natural habitats and allows you to get closer to animals, vegetation and landscape like never before, without visual barriers. A travel that allows you to explore the extensive savannah with rhinos, antelopes and giraffes under the watchful eye of the lions. Between gigantic baobabs and beautiful waterfalls you can see an impressive image of the elephant herd. In the lush central african jungles The presence of the families of gorillas and chimpanzees or the beautiful leopards stands out. In the Kitum cave The only underwater view of hippos in Spain is found in the recreation of the African wetlands. And in the exotic island of Madagascar He walks among different species of lemurs.
African savannah
The savannah brings together the largest concentration of large herbivores on the planet and its extensive plains are the scene of long migrations in search of water and food linked to the passage of the two seasons of this biome: the dry season and the wet season.
Equatorial Rainforest
The primary rainforests of equatorial Africa are home to a large number of different ecosystems and habitats, and you can see the contrast between life in the tree canopies and the bustling activity that takes place on the forest floor.
African Wetlands
The Kitum caveit goes about 200 meters into the interior of Mount Elgon, in the Mount Elgon National Park, in Kenya. It and its neighbors are the only known caves formed by pyroclastic volcanic rocks, whose modification over time has led to the formation of mineral salts. Legends say that these caves were excavated by elephants, over hundreds of thousands of years, using their tusks. The reality is that the Kitum cave was formed by the volcanic activity of Mount Elgon between 8000 and 12000 years ago, and has been expanded by elephants when digging with their tusks in search of mineral salts, essential and lacking in their diet due to their herbivorous condition. If we continued excavating the original cave until we came out on the Ugandan side, we would find the wetlands of Lake Kyoga, linked to the great lakes Victoria and Albert by the Nile, full of crocodiles, hippos and cichlid fish.
Madagascar Island
The fauna and flora of this island in the Indian Ocean, separated from the African continent 160 million years ago, has evolved in isolation, so that 80% of its species are endemic, which means that they are only found in this part of the planet.
School children are our most important visitors, as the future conservation of the planet rests in their hands. We offer activities for all age groups..
LThe BIOPARC Foundation is the entity that brings the conservationist dream of the BIOPARCs to life,as the purpse of keeping animals in captivity is to provide a direct benefit to the populations fo these same species in their natural habitat.