July 25, 2024

First copulations of the male elephant BIOPARC Valencia with the females of the pack

Within the European Program for the Conservation of Endangered Species, the first two calves have been born in the Valencian park, and the recent incorporation of the male Tooth to the elephant herd is evolving favorably.

The technical staff of BIOPARC Valencia shows its enormous satisfaction for the excellent adaptation of the male savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) that arrived in the middle of last June. The acclimatization processes are always progressive and can last for many months. In this case it is evolving favorably and in just a few weeks not only has its acceptance been achieved by the herd of females, but the first copulations.

Male and female African elephant in the savannah of BIOPARC Valencia

Once again it is necessary highlight the alarming threat situation that this charismatic species faces and the importance of international conservation actions in which both the BIOPARC BIOPARC, like from the Valencian park.

The male is being progressively introduced with the group of females under close surveillance by the animal care team, and the first copulations have already occurred.

The reproduction of the largest land animal that exists It has numerous complications. On the one hand, the obvious difference in size and weight between males and females, the anatomy of their reproductive organs, and the strength and skill that the male must have to maintain balance so that copulation finally culminates.

On the other hand, the team of elephant specialists from BIOPARC does equally important work for ensure maximum well-being of the entire group and that the process is a success. For this, it is essential to know each member of their roles in the pack and apply a protocol to monitor the hormonal cycles of the females, all with the aim of planning the unions. Once the animals are together, the male recognizes the females that are close to ovulation by checking their urine and begins “courtship.”

Sexual behavior and mating rituals in elephants

In just over a century, 95% of the elephant population has disappeared and the IUCN has raised the alarm by increasing the danger of extinction on its Red List.

The characteristics of the male are also decisive, since females have a preference for experienced adults and in this case, Tooth's 31 years of age and her proven reproductive capacity have been a guarantee.

Elephants by the lake in the African savannah BIOPARC Valencia

The expert staff continues the exhaustive control and analysis of the biological phases of the females and any changes that may be discerned, always taking into account the responsibility involved in hosting a priority group for the European Program for the Conservation of Endangered Species which aims to guarantee the survival of the species.

Sexual behavior and mating rituals of elephants in BIOPARC Valencia

El birth of the two babies, Makena at the end of 2022 and Malik last March, in addition to being a great joy for the entire herd, represent hope for this species that has seen increased its endangered status on the IUCN Red List (International Union for Conservation of Nature).

Habitat loss and poaching continue to decimate elephant populations which were immense and of which more than 95% has been irremediably lost in just over a century.

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